Karriereberatung: 7 Berufe prägen eine Frau
Todays‘ news reported the invasion of spiders in Germany. Even after a training against my arachnophobia, I feel this slight anguish. My training is about: accept the spider, have a close look to the spider, try to come nearer and nearer and set the spider free. My training is: 1. look at the spider from 1 […]
Rationally spoken, children are expensiv, noisy and never tired. But emotionally spoken, kids thrill our hearts and we have thousands of reasons why children are the best thing of the world! These reasons cannot be explained, they grow with the first contact of the new born and the first little smile. 1. children pep up […]
Already again Monday…. The whole casualness of the weekend passed at one blow, the morning stress join us again. What is important in the morning? family of type 1 may let it gladly calm concern, has breakfast also gladly still together, leaves a cleared up house. family of type 2 may sleep gladly as for […]
To this question everyone will answer: “ of course: Children“. I naturally also. But although this is my basic adjustment, I always push my borders, if days with double dates are occupied. That is the case whenever school and kindergarten announce its dates so short that working parents have not at all the chance to make new […]
The question is: Do you really want to earn money with your blog or for what reason you lead your blog? The opinions over chain breaks in Hausfrauenblogs (mom blogs) go apart. In the USA and France it is natural that blogs are equipped with advertising units in order to produce incomes. In Germany advertising surfaces in Hausfrauenblogs are […]
problogger answers: „Yes“, but only with much expenditure of time and effort. There are bloggers, that earn one monthly salary (how much Dollar a ‚ monthly salary‘ is, unfortunately this is not mentioned in the article) with their blog and also still more. Most bloggers do not achieve this goal in Germany however. Average earnings/services are as […]
Instead of conflicts with our kids about the amount of allowed sweets per day, we do not buy sweets anymore. But this is impossible to keep up. So the best is to allow some sweets, to avoid sticky sugars and to forbid permant eating. Our tip: do not buy sweets anymore. The children will love to eat apples, […]
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