The question is: Do you really want to earn money with your blog or for what reason you lead your blog? The opinions over chain breaks in Hausfrauenblogs (mom blogs) go apart. In the USA and France it is natural that blogs are equipped with advertising units in order to produce incomes. In Germany advertising surfaces in Hausfrauenblogs are uncommon, perhaps because most blogs as diaries and these blogs should not achieve income.
The following questions (more exact: the answers in addition) can supply a notion whether an advertising surface makes sense and or if it fits into the concept of the blog or whether the blog must be transformed, because money should become more important.
1. Is it a pure diary, by collecting your thoughts, your favourite photos and addresses of friends? Money making is located in the background, because that blog is to make your personally fun and thereby your life regenerates a little?
2. Is it a pure councellor, in whom you write down experiencesas as in a cook book? Money making would be beautiful, because the pieces of advice is an increase in value for the readers and could be calmly a little honored? Money is made by advertising, which are faded in suitably to the article?
3. Is it a specialized councellor, with whom you want to represent your profile, so that the reader booked then your service? (e.g. financial adviser, EDP advisor) Money making stands only indirectly in the foreground, because it is an advertising portal, in which you try -by specialized knowledge- to convince and to increase your degree of fame? Only by new orders money is made, but not by incomes from advertising in the blog?
4. Is it the attempt to make your new book published more well-known or sell your products? Money making stands only indirectly in the foreground, because the blog is created in order to increase the sale of your product or to create a platform for the sale itself? Only by the increase in turnover of sold products money is made, but not by incomes from advertising in the blog?
5. Want you the different aspects to mix? How should the different categories be defined? How much would I like to surrender from my private informations on my firm side?
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